Four Percent of Retirees ‘Living the Dream,’ Survey Finds

by Darryl Hicks | May 9, 2024 reported that four percent of today’s retirees described their retirement as “living the dream,” while another four percent said they are “living a nightmare,” according to a new survey from asset management company Schroders.

Yes, but: Most of the respondents fall somewhere in between — 44% said they are comfortable; 34% said they are not great, but not bad; and 15% said they are struggling, according to the rounded results.

The survey, conducted in March and April, included 2,000 adults, with almost 500 retirees. The results come as inflation is still higher than usual and rising prices have made it more challenging for retirees to make their money last.

  • The top concern, cited by 89% of respondents, is inflation lessening the value of their assets.