HECM Payment Options

Line of Credit

Most reverse mortgage borrowers establish a standby line of credit that they access only when funds are needed. Borrowers can access funds by submitting a written  request to the company servicing the loan. An important feature of the line of credit is that the unused portion grows over time. The borrower is not earning interest, like with a checking account. Rather, the growth feature takes into consideration that you are one year older and that your home has appreciated in value.

Term Payment

This option provides borrowers with fixed monthly payments for a specified amount of time. If, for example, the borrower is 65 and wishes to defer going on Social Security until age 70 (so that he or she can receive the maximum payout benefit), this person can establish term payments for five years. The amount received each month will not change, even if the home decreases in value.

Tenure Payment

This option provides borrowers with fixed monthly payments for as long as the person lives in the home as a primary residence. Even if the loan balance exceeds the value of the home, the borrower will still receive the same monthly payment. The payments only stop when the borrower passes away or permanently leaves the home.

Modified Term/Line of Credit

Under this option, the borrower establishes a line of credit and receives fixed monthly payments for a specified amount of time.

Modified Tenure/Line of Credit

Under this option, the borrower establishes a line of credit and receives fixed monthly payments for as long as he or she lives in the home.

Single Disbursement Lump Sum

Under this option, all of the available loan proceeds are accessed at closing. Generally, this occurs when the borrower uses the HECM for Purchase program or to pay off a large existing mortgage on the property.